Scottish origin; the exclamation a Scottish person would shout as he prepares to defestrate a bucket of slops out of a window.
Check out this bucket of slops, fellow Scottsman! I'm going to throw it out of the window! GARDYLOO!
by Scottie Dog Doesn't Know May 14, 2007
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a warning scottish people yelled out their windows before pouring out their trash, also something to call your friends when they’re acting like shit
“here comes my gardyloo”
by gabbyj14 December 7, 2020
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used in Edinburgh as a warning cry when it was customary to throw slops from the windows into the streets
Gardyloo is widely supposed to have been taken from French, although it is uncertain whether it comes from an actual French phrase (such as garde à l’eau!, “attention to the water!”) or if it was a mocking and mistaken imitation of that language. The words appears to have been in use since the late 18th century, and in early use tends to refer more often to defenestrating the contents of a chamber pot more than kitchen slops.
by OKBUDDY March 20, 2019
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A warning cry given before throwing dirty water from a window.
"Gardyloo", shouted the old lady who poured a bucket of water from her 5th floor window. She was always a menace.
by YourUrbanPerson March 4, 2022
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When you gon on a double date with your ex-best friend but pretend to still be besties.
Dis you hear how Lauren and Emily gardylooed last night. I would hate to be either of their boyfriends.
by nowhoresallowed18 August 27, 2020
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