When you wake up finding a girl/guy in your bed and you can't get rid of them, you send this to your mates to alert them that you need help.
by Lenpup April 10, 2011
by LisaKnowsSlangWords December 21, 2018
when you drink until you pass out and then you shit in your roommate's bed as well as piss on it. Then you proceed to take a shit and bathe in it afterwards. When it can't get any weirder, you run into the elevator with approximately 8 people with your pants down. After you wake up, you don't remember shit and you get written up. Your roommate moves out and you have to pay a huge fine.
by Floor 2 April 9, 2011
by Whittz April 21, 2008
by Jesus Christ our saviour August 30, 2017
A name that is given to an unknown person of interest. Any forgotten name can be easily replaced by using the name Guss.
What's up Guss! Where's Guss at! Fuckn Guss just stole my Mazda LaPuta! I don't know, ask fuckn Guss over there.
by Guss Gustofferson December 17, 2019