1. noun; slang for male ejaculate

2. noun; a delicious cake mix distributed by Pilsbury
1. Jill: "So, last night Brain sprayed his funfetti all over my titties."
John: "Hot damn."

2. I made my friend funfetti for her birthday.
by Captain Pixie August 12, 2009
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When you give someone a semen facial and then throw rainbow sprinkles into the semen on their face making them look like funfetti cake
Last night was crazy, my girlfriend thought we were going to bake a cake before I showed her what funfetti really was
by Cdamms July 21, 2023
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Originaly done by kids in Iowa who got bored with cow tiping and needed something to do in the winter months. They used long strips of paper and covered someones car. Then using a small water sprayer they froze them on. Resulting in a pinata like appearance on the car.
(Dude1) Marks car looks like a pinata.
(Dude2)Ya Jony Nathan and Hunter funfettied his car.
(Dude1)Bad Ass
by Jony Walker January 21, 2009
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Any type of baked good that lists marijuana as an ingredient mixed within the batter prior to being baked. Funfetti could include the popular magic brownies or cookies.
by BennyandJoon October 18, 2008
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While receiving oral from a partner a male says "HEY" and as their mate looks up to see what is the matter, He throws confetti in their face then commences to punch them in the face
Wes; Kay why do u have the black eye

Kay; Wayne got me with a funfetti blowjob last night
by Wes7710 December 27, 2011
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When you are getting a blow job and are about to cum. Yell out "surprise bitch" and cram your dick in her eye as you ejaculate.
I'm funna funfetti wepp this "again"
by 81L0Wlife February 5, 2016
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Noun. When a women is bent doggie style with her asshole exposed and she has tp pieces stuck to her brown eye.
After 20 years of marriage, Matt finally told his wife about her funfetti and she was mortified.
by AussieKisser June 10, 2023
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