A replacement for the f-bomb when parents/teachers/Jesus is nearby. Can be spelled with one or two F's at the end (not that you'd ever need to write it down).

The comical value of using this is great - from a distance it sounds exactly like "the big one". A quick explanation later and "blammo!" you got yourself a new classroom word.
Teacher: Has everyone got their novelisation of the the screenplay "Alabama Chainsaw Massacre"?

Cool kid: Oh, fuff!


Cool kid: It's coo' maan. Chill your fuffin' ass.
by AforesaidCoolKid September 23, 2007
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appreviated for fucked up for fun
"ayy nigga, LETS FUFF!"
by djlfkjsd January 12, 2009
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A noise made by cats who pass in the hall but don't like each other. Usually accompanied by batting each other with their front paws.

Also an alternative for the f word, discovered by accident when a pikey was arguing whilst eating a kebab.
The cats are hissing and fuffing again.

I wish you would fuff off.
by suey December 1, 2003
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When you feel a bit down, but your not quite upset yet. Its a expression to use if your a bit tired as well.
by Abii October 4, 2007
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See (pfft)

1. An expression of dismissal of another's comment.
2. The sound of a silent and deadly rectal emission.
by GxSlim July 25, 2002
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