The state after being fucked so hard, a girl lays in bed motionless like a fossil afterward
Dude I fossilized Cindy so hard last night she couldn't get up for work this morning
by Dan-Druff December 16, 2010
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When someone has smoked too much weed and passes out for hours.
Man that bitch is fuckin' fossilized.
by Do Kari April 3, 2011
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Anything used to much due to sexual relations

Usually a guy
Author: uve just been fossilized loser
Fossilized person: shutup im not even a slut, leave me alone
by fauker March 7, 2009
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An illness depicted in the show Fullmetal Alchemist, in which the body of the infected person slowly turned to stone. Most medicine would not work to combat this disease, and the only cure for this illness was the fabled philosopher's stone.
by Ethereal_Child May 10, 2011
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1. an old-fashioned person

2. an elderly person
Why do I have to listen to this old fossil?
by Light Joker July 14, 2005
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Verb: to defecate or take a shit; to poop
"Man, I just ate that taco bell, now I need to fossilize, on the real."
by Leemz May 21, 2008
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To get/ be extremely drunk to the point where you will most likely have a hangover
Alternatively, it can be used to signify a feeling of extreme tiredness to the point where it feels like you could have a hangover
Alan: We're all getting totally fossiled tonight, wanna join? (extremely drunk)
Alan: I feel so fossiled, man. (tired/hungover)
by wobsandgobs January 16, 2019
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