Despite the name, an example of someone who belives on communism even more than Lenin himslef did. Always a woman, as they hate men, thus every true male feminazi would immediately commit suicide. Also a supporter od female supremacy, Black supremacy, and islamic supremacy. A hypocryte. Usually is fat, doesn't shave and has short hair. Seeks to kill all men because they don't find her looks attractive.
by RohenTahir April 2, 2017
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An extreme feminist that claims that she is a feminist, but actually an extreme misandrist. Most of them are usually fat or ugly or even both. Feminazis support circumcision of men, but not for women, they accuse random men of rape, and they do whatever in their power to put men in prison.
Feminazi: Did you rape this woman?
Me: WTF? I never even met this woman, let alone touch her.

Feminazi: You liar! You raped this woman! I called the police! You’re getting arrested!

Me: You’re fucking insane. I never did shit to you or your friends. I haven’t even met you. What the police gonna do? Put me in jail for life? I’ll press charges on you.
Feminazi: You ain’t getting away with this! Your life is over!
Me: Whatever…
by Excrushman February 28, 2023
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Basically a lot of these frighteningly vocal Twitter "feminists" that can't go 0.00000000000001 nanoseconds without spamming #killallmen. Fortunately, I have never met one who tried to kill me in-person (or maybe I'm in an area that is dominated by decent human beings).

See also: misandrist, bigot
"If you go on Twitter, you'll see a surprising amount of feminazis there, especially if you search for the killallmen hashtag. I mean, no one said Twitter isn't toxic anyways."
by MyPseudonymThatsNotMyName September 7, 2022
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Feminazi is a pejorative term for feminists which was popularized by politically conservative American radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh.
In 2008, the National Organization for Women promoted a "Love Your Body Day", which Limbaugh renamed, "love your body if you're a feminazi...because nobody else does."
by Leumrel July 14, 2022
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A purveyor of male hate ideology. Usually taking the form of a middling looking female they will wear a big smile in public but are torn up inside with insecurity. They are growing in number because they are riding the wave of matriarchy; so they think this means they can project all their ugly fears on men - and that it's ok to fart in front of men. Husbands of feminazi's are touchy-feely types who are unwittingly coerced into a subservient existence and delude themselves into thinking it's normal. They copy their feminazi wives' characteristics: gossiping, collectivsim, bullying, even turning on some of their longstanding male friends who like to shag about. There's nothing worse than a feminazi, except a feminazi's husband.
You look forward to seeing your pals but are gutted when you turn up to All Bar One and find your 'mates' have all brought their feminazi bitch wives and gf's along. What are these lads thinking? I don't come out on the lash to have a gaggle of ugly feminazi wives casting dirty looks in my direction all night. FFS!
by aldo09 July 22, 2019
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There are many meanings to the word Feminazi.
1) A person who hates Men
2) A person who is against the rights of White Men
3) A person who believes that everything is sexist, racist and misogynistic
4) A person who still believes that African American people have no rights in the U.S.A
5) A person who still believes that Women are still being oppressed in the western world
6) A person who believes that there are more than 2 Genders

7) A person who believes that only Women can be raped and that touching or simply looking at a Woman is rape.
White Man: ''Dammit! I got fired from my job. I feel so sad and pissed off''
White Man: ''Hey screw you. That was not very nice''

White Man: ''What?''
by Mr.Triggered January 28, 2017
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Feminazi(s) is an overused and insensitive term first used by a dead cuntservaturd. The term is mainly used by weak, fragile ego creatures in order to silence women for speaking up against sexism, sexual harassment, abuse, the patriarchy, etc.
1) I got called a feminazi online today for defending a girl who was being viciously bullied and threatened by a bunch of neckbeards.

2) Feminazi?? Last time I checked, feminists didn't eradicate 6 million Jewish people and other innocent people, you moron...

3) Jane: I remember this one time when I was a little girl being catcalled by a man and was followed for a few blocks for ignoring him.
John: what were you wearing?
Jane: What does that have to do with anything?? I was a child.
John: Maybe you were asking for it.
Jane: This is why many women are afraid to walk alone at night! And people like you are the reason why it's hard for victims to speak out!
John: Awww the feminazi is triggered lol
by Witchy Potato September 3, 2021
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