3 definitions by Witchy Potato

Feminazi(s) is an overused and insensitive term first used by a dead cuntservaturd. The term is mainly used by weak, fragile ego creatures in order to silence women for speaking up against sexism, sexual harassment, abuse, the patriarchy, etc.
1) I got called a feminazi online today for defending a girl who was being viciously bullied and threatened by a bunch of neckbeards.

2) Feminazi?? Last time I checked, feminists didn't eradicate 6 million Jewish people and other innocent people, you moron...

3) Jane: I remember this one time when I was a little girl being catcalled by a man and was followed for a few blocks for ignoring him.
John: what were you wearing?
Jane: What does that have to do with anything?? I was a child.
John: Maybe you were asking for it.
Jane: This is why many women are afraid to walk alone at night! And people like you are the reason why it's hard for victims to speak out!
John: Awww the feminazi is triggered lol
by Witchy Potato September 3, 2021
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Bisexual Lesbian is a false and ignorant term that some uneducated lesbophobes came up with to further invalidate lesbians while being low-key biphobic at the same time. It apparently means that "lesbians can be interested in men" which is COMPLETELY against what lesbianism actually means.
1. Some stupid lady told me I can be lesbian and date men which will make me a bisexual lesbian even though that doesn't make any fucking sense!
2. A Bisexual lesbian doesn't exist as lesbians are non-men individuals who are attracted to other non-men individuals, excluding ALL and EVERY MAN.
by Witchy Potato May 24, 2021
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Cuntservaturd, also known as Cuntservaturds, is the opposite of the insult Libtard, in which it is to describe a rude or ignorant conservative person/people.
"Oh I'm a libtard? Ok, cuntservaturd!"

"I shared a political post, and boy did it piss off the cuntservaturds!"
by Witchy Potato August 7, 2020
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