When a creeper from your highschool who nobody likes, sits on the swing sets adjacent your house, and watches you through your window.
Man, I was chilling on the computer last night, and caught sight of Ethan being a peeping fallis.
by Braydan W. Bunce February 23, 2009
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While two men are having sexual intercourse with one woman and one guy is too intoxicated to fuck the girl. He helps the other man by holding back the legs of the girl.
Oh man! I'm too drunk to have sex. I'll help you out with a fallis three way and hold her legs back for you.
by SoOnBeDaDDy December 3, 2020
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Fally is one of a kind, she is a cutie and a good friend im general, one of a kind that shouldnt be harmed ever.
Person 1: Have you heard of Fally?
Person 2: Yeah! She's such a good friend!
by Jay/F3rz October 20, 2020
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An absolute animal living the party lifestyle.
That guy is such an Eric Fallis! He fucked 30 bitches last night!
by iuyggjhgbykujigv January 2, 2019
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Confusing and fiddly stuff that requires you to have the patience and energy to understand
I’ll figure all that filly fally out tomorrow
by Sapxe69 March 21, 2023
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A girl who loves fall and all things fall.
“I wore my Halloween sweater to go get a pumpkin spiced latte I’m such a Fally Molly! “
by C00lielove October 7, 2023
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