Predominantley an attribute given to a person who thinks that there is the perfect mate waiting for them. These are people with very high self esteem who think they are the best good looking people and think that they are superior to others, but in reality they are nothing of the sort.

The most common facts about these people is the following:
Over 35, Only child in the family, Still lives with parents, Think they are good looking, Have the same hair style since university, Have a mild stalker streak in them, find a very patient friend to annoy and expect this friend to meet up whenever he/she wants.

These type of people have very few friends, and the few friends they have they annoy by calling them to tell them with how they connected with other people (these people in return never contact them back after their first meeting).
(Phone rings for the 8th time in 3 hrs)
Me: Hey. What's wrong?
Her: Why does he not return my calls or my e-mails?!? I sent him like 5 e-mails and called him 4 times already??? He even removed me from his friends list on (social media website)! You're a man you should know what's going on through a man's head.
Me: .... Give him some time...
Her: Give him some time for what?!? I didn't do anything wrong, just gave him a 3 page poem yesterday stating my love towards him as an artist the first time we met! He said that the poem was really inspiring. I'm a good looking girl for my age. no?
Me: Yes yes at 43 you still look ok even though you suffer from fairy tale syndrome!
Her: As if! The guys run after me, not vice versa. When he answers me you'll know I was right. Anyway, I can always go to his country and meet up with him there. Anyways we need to meet, my parents will be out this weekend. Will you come and give me a massage?
Me: Sorry but I got to go as I have a meeting soon.
Her: Ok I'll call you later
Me: There is no need, I don't know when it will be finishing.
Her: It's not a problem... Do you still love me?
Me: Hey, Sorry but I really got to go...
Her: But why is he not answering me? Do you know?
Me: Ask him, I have no clue. Catch you later.
Her: *SOB* OK... Promise to meet me next weekend...
Me: Bye bye...
by Maltese Pecan Nut August 12, 2013
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A book filled with imaginary stories that some people for some reason believe. Also causes wars. AKA the Bible.
Fred: I love the Bible! It teaches us such great thing!

Bob: You mean like how to start wars?

Fred: Exactly! I don't care how true that is I will always believe in The Book Of Fairy Tales!
by /b/ro May 18, 2009
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A woman that loves a married man and is his partner in an affair. Should be ashamed of herself. No morals. Posting love online and clearly isn't what he wants. Fake love. I hope he leaves her for you. And I hope he hurts you in the exact same way he is hurting her now.
Keep being crapping like The Gardener in Fairy Tales. He doesn't love you or his wife. But you should tell her about the afair . Admit it to her like you do to random strangers. so she can find the love she deserves. Scum bag. Fake love. You deserve to be alone. Homewrecker.
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Any one of a number of fantastical presuppositions promulgated by the fanatical neo-con religious right in an effort to avoid honest conversation about the issues in favor of fear-mongering and disinformation of the masses. Bitches.
i.e. Trickle-down economics, USA-PATRIOT Act, Intelligent Design, survived aborted fetus, Axis of Evil, Vice President Sarah Palin, etc.
"What about the growing threat of survived aborted fetuses?"
"Like you, you brain-dead moron? Everyone knows that's just a right-wing fairy tale."
by mrbesbol September 15, 2008
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When someone uses a combination of fairy tales and dodgy stories to describe something or an event.
James was so vague and all over the place man telling me what happened in the bar last night, his usual fairy tale hairy tail kinda storytelling!
by pouyabagheri June 8, 2019
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A woman that loves a married man and is his partner in an affair. Should be ashamed of herself. No morals. Posting love online and clearly isn't what he wants. Fake love. I hope he leaves her for you. And I hope he hurts you in the exact same way he is hurting her now.
Keep being crapping like The Gardener in Fairy Tales. He doesn't love you or his wife. But you should tell her about the afair . Admit it to her like you do to random strangers. so she can find the love she deserves. Scum bag. Fake love. You deserve to be alone. Homewrecker.
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Usually a tale that starts with "Y'all ain't gonna believe this shit..."
Bruh, this redneck fairy-tales about... this shit about this gal with the hair...
by SwagLord,LordofalltheSwag April 20, 2015
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