Someone who repeatedly makes mistakes. Says stuff he believes is true, but anyone with common sense can see he's wrong. A dumbass.
Bush is talking on tv again. What a fucking errorist.
by naknumm August 23, 2007
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Somebody who believes they are right even though their logic is full of errors.
Jack Thompson is such an errorist.
by Kenneth Powers September 2, 2007
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A person who is deluded or simply stupid, making mistakes without the intention of ever acknowledging people's corrections. And the common response to these corrections are often outbursts of utter ignorance, hence the play on the word "terrorist," someone who is potentially dangerous in society by simply being ignorant.
Errorist: I don't care what you say, but Tupac will come back in 07/07/07!!!

Errorist's friend: Dude, he's dead, get over it.

--July 8th 2007--
Errorist's friend: Where's Tupac? Idiot.

Errorist: Man you're the idiot. He's waiting for the right moment, you just watch.. he'll come back. Did you even hear about the 7 Day Theory?

Errorist's friend: I don't even know why I'm friends with you. F**king ignorant ass errorist, you're a disgrace to society. I don't want to be your friend anymore..
by DJ critikaL September 6, 2007
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A term reffering to people who allow error to persist without trying to fix it. An advocate of error.
NOFX - American Errorist
"We really hate ammerican errorist!"
by TheLivingDead May 31, 2005
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Someone who can make the best of a bad situation.
Can rectify a mistake to create something new.
Finding right in wrong. e.g makes art out of spilt paint.
Going against popular ideals.

Errorism - changing what was once a mistake into a positive force/art/new idea
not a perfectionist/purist
an errorist is always open to re-define/re-create/re-mould

Nothing is ever a mistake - just a new idea you didn't think of yet!
The errorist broke a plate and made a mosaic.
The errorist spilled all the seeds but called it a cottage garden.
by Georgeana-error September 13, 2010
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One who invariably finds themselves error prone when it comes to computers or other electronic devices. Unlike someone who is simply not very good with technology, an Errorist seems to evoke all error messages possible in any given electronic system as frequently as possible.
Jimmy somehow managed to accidentally format his hard drive. He's such an errorist.
by Red Scourge July 5, 2011
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Someone who repeatedly makes mistakes. Says stuff he believes is true, but anyone with common sense can see he's wrong. A dumbass.
Otterbeck is telling one of his stories again, what a fucking errorist.
by TeeBall September 6, 2007
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