This is a fun drinking game that will get you Chocolate Wasted..heres how to play
1. Post as your FB Status: if you "like" this status i will take a SHOT of Liquor or Drink 1 beer for every "like"

2. Everytime u get a "like" you take a shot or drink a beer, you will be WASTED in no time
John: if you "like" this status i will take a Shot of Liquor or Drink 1 beer for every "like"
12 "likes" = 12 shots or 12 beers or a combo of both

what is that game called?

John: Facebook Drinking Game
by BOHAGAN81 July 15, 2010
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One of the most difficult drinking games known to alcoholic kind, and the mightiest of quests for college students. Not a game of skill, stupidity or even chance. Just a plain old classic Endurance test.

The instructions are simple: You and your mates (Or just you if you're one of those people who watch that kids show with the ponies) sit around a TV each with an alcoholic beverage, usually beer because anything higher and you're sure to perish in a sea of your own chugg nuggets, and you all watch the movie Goodfellas.

There are but two main rules: 1. Once the movie begins every player has to view the ENTIRE film. You can pause it to take a slash since you're going to be drinking a lot, but no missing out on anything, especially dialogue. 2. Every single time the word 'fuck' is uttered, you take a gulp. This includes 'fucking', 'fucker' and 'fucked'.

This may sound easy. This may sound like your average way to get rid of your leftover booze from the night before. And if you've got a small dick it may seem like the best way to nail a drunk chick.

It's not.

There are exactly 300 f-bombs thrown in this film, which means that if you were to take a 25 ml shot of beer every single time the word 'fuck' is uttered in this movie, by the end of it you would have consumed roughly 17 cans, or 15 pints.

Good idea at first. Damn good fun to begin with. Fucking nightmare by the third act. Ocean of pain the next morning.
Me and my buddy tried The Goodfellas Drinking Game the other night and we woke up covered in puke and beer with a turd in the middle of the room.
by Snuggles McCuddlesworth March 11, 2014
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A drinking game created in the Toyon Lounge at Stanford University at 2 am on December 4th, 2006. The rules of the game are:

Begin with a 30-rack of beer.

1. Four players evenly spaced around a table.

2. 16 cups set in a diamond, with a full pint in each cup. Thus, spread 24 beers over 16 cups.
2a. There should be a ping-pong ball distance between each cup.

3. Play rock, paper, scissors with four players until one person wins
3a. (IE: if three players throw paper and one throws scissors, scissors wins. If two people throw paper and two people throw scissors, the two scissors win play for the win. If rock, paper, and scissors are all thrown in one round then you start over).
3b. The winner gets one point and must then drink the cup he made unless he makes his bounce shot.

4. The winner then bounces a ping-pong ball, trying to bounce it into one of the cups.
4a. He/she gets two shots. If he makes the first shot, he gets a chance to gang-bang with the second cup.
4b. The winner gets two points if he makes the first shot, and one if he/she makes the second shot.
4c. Thus, he/she gets two points for only making the first shot, one point for only making the second shot, and three points for making both shots. If the winner makes both shots into the same cup (a gang-bang), he gets three points and all three other players drink.

5. If the winner gets either shot into a cup the loser of rock, paper, scissors drinks the cup.
5a. If there are multiple losers (IE: if three players throw paper and one throws scissors there are three losers: the three who threw scissors), then those three losers play rock, paper, scissors to until one person loses and is made to drink.

6. The player with the most points once all 16 cups have been downed is the winner.
6a. The three losers must then shotgun the remaining 6 beers. Three beers for the player with the fewest points, two beers for the player with the second fewest points, and one beer for the second place player.
We pregamed by playing the Toyon, the Drinking Game. We were smashed by 8 PM, and then went on to have a great night.
by Grahame, Rory, Tim, and Alex December 4, 2006
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A drinking game (a variation of beer pong) modeled after the America Involvement in Vietnam. Two players set up cups filled with an alcoholic drink. The American side sets up many cups in an orderly fashion while the Vietnamese side sets up there cups in a random disorienting fashion. When a ball goes into an american cup, the cup is drunken and replace with another cup. When a Vietnamese cup is hit, it is drunken and then not replaced. The Vietnamese lose when all of the cups are gone. The Americans can replace all of their hit cups indefinitely, and can only lose when they give up.
Jon and mike played the vietnam drinking game last night, Jon went through a full case of beer before he gave up that debacal .
by kurttheengineer January 21, 2014
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Scores vary, but in this part of Australia, runs are awarded for drinks consumed as follows:

* 20 runs for a standard drink (pot or basic spirit)
* 30 runs for a middy, tinny or stubby
* 40 runs for a pint

A wicket is lost every time the player takes a piss.

The object is simple - score the most 'runs' before your side is bowled out.

Scoring generally follows the pattern of large opening and top order partnerships, followed by a late-middle and lower order collapse.

Parking the tiger is usually equivalent to a declaration, though if the player continues and has wickets in hand, it counts as a hat-trick.
Last week I knocked up 9-500 playing the cricket drinking game.
by Choda Boy 57 September 15, 2008
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A Drinking game to play when going on the Combusting Herpes website/forum, there are a set of rules for the game that go like like this: For every stupid thread that is related to Nathan Forester or about him - take a shot.

Whenever a user such as RichardPersimmons or Jess calls Nathan by his supposed real name, or call him 'it'. Take two shots.
Whenever RichardPersimmons or BobofJudia calls Nathan out for not having a job, take 5 more shots.
Whenever BobofJudia or any other user uses death threats to try and be tough. Take 10 more shots.
Whenever any CH user consistently tries to say it's Nathan owns fault...take 15-20 shots.
Whenever a CH user uses stereotyping as a defense...take 20-25.
Whenever they screencap something he says - take 20-30 shots.
Whenever they try to defend themselves by repeating things others have said take 35 shots.
Take 40 shots for every mention of rape, sex, or anything to do with drug references.
Take a whole swig everytime they resort to using homophobic or racial slurs.
"Time for the CH Drinking Game".
by MM132 September 17, 2013
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Any time you see a person of color in a hallmark movie, take a shot.

Any time you see a person of color in a hallmark movie who doesn't live in a poor neighborhood, take two shots
Any time you see a person of color in a hallmark movie who doesn't live in a poor neighborhood and doesn't have any type of "ethnic" accent, take three shots.

Any time a hallmark movie has a person of color as the main character, drink the whole damn bottle
Dude, we played the Hallmark Drinking game. So sober bro.
by kingbumii May 4, 2015
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