Double the douchieness of a regular douche. Usually just does douchey things like being a douche. You will be a douche canoe if you have tribal tattoos or gel your hair, also if you're just a dick to people.
Jimmy is such a douche canoe.
Look at that guys tribal tattoo what a douche canoe.
Why is his profile picture of a baby, what a douche canoe.
by summercandy March 24, 2011
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doosh kuh-noo

noun, adjective

1. one who is incredibly annoying, a pest
2. a foolish or stupid person, kaiser
3. an inconsiderate and selfish person
- He was a complete douche canoe for not picking up the check on your birthday!

- Those guys at the party were acting like huge douche canoes!
by ditystotsgosser July 15, 2011
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Ones way of describing an asshole or not nice person. Also a song by a youtuber called Mattg124.
"omg My dad is such an asshole"
"you mean douche canoe :D"
by Agentducky0012 August 19, 2011
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An individual acting in such a way, their presence is equivalent to being in a canoe in a lake full of used douche water.
"What happened to your car bro?"
"Some douche canoe keyed it last night"
by Mahatma Luther King Jr. January 10, 2015
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A person who lies and cheats which is also a punk bish. Usually answers by the name Courtney.
My punk bish ex-sister in-law is a total douche canoe.
by _moosedrool_ May 13, 2023
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Being such a douchebag that no one can stand to be around you.
I cannot stand another week playing beer pong with that Douche Canoe Andrew.
by Pizza head July 22, 2015
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