what you say when you get a domepiece one-tap on Ash. This is referring to Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege, which was released in 2015.
Oh my deity, that nibba just got quaked!
by Weeweeemannn December 7, 2017
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An exceptionally good DDR player that behaves like a complete asshole (See: DDRsole) but then redeems him/herself in some meaningful way.

Lawn deification is awarded by the Supreme Overlord of all Lawn Deities. This is a rare honor accorded, since most exceptionally good DDR players have their heads permanently lodged up their rectums.

"If that DDRsole doesn't quit bragging about his AAA's, he'll never achieve lawn deity greatness."
by Rebecca Day April 6, 2004
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Deity is a completely dead and shit discord server, and server full of people that randomly and for no reason take your role away. The server "Deity" was originated by a server called "Roblox Market", "RBM" which was a server for selling ROBLOX Limited's and ROBUX which is certainly illegal.
by Deityy April 30, 2021
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A divine being who is worshipped as a god and has power over nature.
'Being a deity isn't necessarily a birth-right, but must be earnt through completing a divine mission as likewise for kings and queens.'
by DianaLuciusDeCollis July 6, 2022
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