To be scared and coughing at the same time
Wow, I was derping so hard when I watched that horror movie last night
by PixelatedKiwi December 3, 2020
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1. An internetly transmitted disease, known as an I.T.D. Symptoms include:

- Sweaty Fingers
- Uncontrollable desire to say "derp".
- Hunger
- Fatigue
- Cyber Sex Sessions as to propagate the disease.
- Chat sessions as to propagate the I.T.D

How to cure:
No known cure has been found, yet. Derp.
Anonymous: We owned him. Derp.

Anonymouse: We sure did. Lmfao.

Anonymous: Nice name . Derp

Anonymouse: Oh fuck, you have derpes, don't you? Derp.

Anonymouse: FFFFFuuuuuuuuuuu
by January 28, 2010
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"I heard some noise from the other room, are you okay"
"Yes, sorry, I was watching a horror movie and my popcorn got stuck in my throat, so I starting derping."
by Sneak T. December 3, 2020
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Derp is an expression associated with stupidity, much like the earlier forms of interjections like “duh” and “dur.” In image macros, the subject is typically portrayed with eyes that are pointed to each side and a caption that reads “DERP.” The words “herp” and “derp” are often used in rage comics to replace nondescript names or parts of conversation. The first known instance of the word “derp” comes from the 1998 comedy film Baseketball by South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone. During a scene where they are caught smelling underwear taken from a woman’s private drawer, Matt runs out of the room and says “Derp.”
after an epic fail the person who failed said he derped
by GamingOshawott November 29, 2015
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Scared and coughing at the same time.
I couldn’t do anything yesterday because I was just derping all the time.
by Zxnoregretsxz December 3, 2020
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when you’re scared and cough at the same time
*cough cough cough* “ahhh i’m so scared!”

by June Storm December 4, 2020
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