Dark Market Lord (DML) refers to a highly skilled and influential hacker who holds a significant position within the dark web community. DMLs are considered some of the most powerful and capable hackers, often associated with illegal activities and cybercrime. As of now, there are 13 people referred to as DMLs however, there is not a limit on how many people are DMLs. Being a DML implies two things: 1. You're on the same level as one of the 7 keyholders; 2. A hacker(typically blackhat or government affiliated) with enough influence on the black market/cybercrime that their absence would throw away balance on the entire dark web.

Some notable DMLs include: m1x/Wazawaka, Nosophoros "the plug", czpy "the fedkiller", lk-4d4, "daddy" slav, Black Alex/Metasploit, nochan "the terrible", ji8 "god of trojans", BlackFox. The rest of the 'lords' are large criminal enforcement agencies such as the FBI.
One of the Dark Market Lords was captured and is set to face trial!
by srsbaka July 21, 2023
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The highly secretive psychological marketing science whereby accesses is gained to the subliminal areas of the object (consumer) brain where decisions are heavily influenced. Dark Marketing is by its nature dark (hidden) because it would be much less effective or even completely ineffective and potentially extremely negatively received if the object would know its true meaning. An example of this are catwalk models who do not smile while walking during a fashion show. When asked why, the official answer given by the fashion designer is that one should pay attention to the clothing, not the model. That is a diversion. The true (dark) reason is interest in the brand and sales increase when models present themselves with a more seductive face. If the fashion designer would explain the reason correctly it would not sound noble and could potentially harm the company’s potential to sell product. Dark Marketing is not in itself bad or negative, however one is at an advantage when one can spot it.
Dark Marketing is used when a company explains the official meaning of its logo when in reality it means something else.
by WorldWantsPlastic January 9, 2018
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Dark market gambling operators typically do not have gambling licences with minimal 'know your customer', 'anti-money laundering' and customer welfare controls in place. These dark market gambling sites mostly use forms crypto currency as money for gambling.
If you play on dark market gambling sites, make sure the games are provably fair. Dark market gambling sites sometimes have Curaçao licences, but never licences from regulated jurisdictions.
by gamduel September 13, 2019
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