The best boy in the whole wide world. He’s so good at everything but especially eating pussy
by Dahlia123 November 21, 2021
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Daniyal is a Palestine name and Persian boy who is tall with brown eyes and has an charming personality with but he is too weird and he is too helpful but he doesn't care about others opinion and does what he likes to do and he is a private person too he is too shy to talk with girls but he can do anything in life
by Keshav maharaj November 26, 2021
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Daniyal is a child whom constantly wears a mask and without it looks like a rat. He elongates words and is generally annoying.
Daniyal is an annoying ,immature peado.
by JPheonix99 May 6, 2022
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is a gay bitch girls say we hate he is very ugly girls don't want to talk to him.
guy) my friend is a daniyal
girl) fuck him he is a bitch
by person123445555 May 9, 2022
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he is an incredible guy who will love you forever he will have great sense of humour and a lot o hidden talent He is the guy everyone wants
by bruh is unknown November 22, 2021
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