CUTLERED / or present / TO CUTLER

-A situation in which one panics causing them to completely fuck-up (mess-up) the situation.

-To do awful when it's not normally a difficult task.
-A major fail, having an effect on to what is also all around the person.
"If you don't relax and just concentrate, you're going to totally cutler (fuck-up) this test."
"Wow, you really cutlered that , and what started as no problems, became nothing but problems for yourself."
"He was a mess and cutlered every time he was put on the spot."
"I've been doing nothing but cutlering (mess-up, do terrible) everything later."
by muggster November 13, 2016
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n. That which is inherently ridiculous. v. To cutler; to behave in a surreal manner.
I climbed into my friends bedroom at four in the morning wearing deelyboppers, a nappy and a three-foot long cross pendant, and proceeded to slap him about the face with a fresh trout while jigging and shouting "Orinoco!". I therefore CUTLERED my friend.
by Jim Flam Flum June 14, 2005
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being fucked over by your own efforts
Defeat is certain when you've been cutlered.
by igol October 5, 2014
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Whenever you do a great job and just throw something away at the end, invalidating all work you did earlier, then you pulled a cutler.

The phrase originates due to the performance of the 2009 quarterback of the Chicago Bears: Jay Cutler. He knows

how to ruin games in an epic fashion.

No QB failures were more epic than Cutler's opening game with the Bears against longest-NFL rivalry Green Bay, where he managed to have 6 turnovers in a single game.

Others can argue how on November 12, 2009 when Cutler threw an interception in the end zone with 2 seconds left of play after marching the bears up the field for 70 yards, was a most epic quarterback failure. (He managed to throw 5 total interceptions this game).
Ever shoot pool clearing out every ball only to scratch on the 8 ball? You pulled a Cutler.

Ever been in Vegas, up 2000 dollars, only to bet it all on red and lose it all? You pulled a Cutler.
by New York Transplant November 13, 2009
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To quit something when the going gets tough. You can do this by faking an injury or coming up with some pathetic excuse to pansy out of a crucial moment in your career.
The quarterback was down by 14 points and felt he had no chance of scoring, so he decided to pull a Cutler and act like he broke his back to avoid further embarrassment.
by bchilldog January 24, 2011
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Verb, to overthrow one's receiver when he is open in football.
Oh damn, Mark Sanchez just Jay Cutlered that pass.
by JRussel August 23, 2010
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An NFL Quarterback who turned into a Pussy when he didnt come back when he sprained his MCL
Jay Cutler went from a QB to a Pussy when he bitched out in the second half
by tmoney2011 January 24, 2011
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