a religious group which promotes worship of a human leader and devotion of one's life to a specific purpose.

Some have members practice certain rituals or follow a set of principle rules. The group usually believes its way is the only correct way to live life, and all non-members are doomed to some horrible fate if they cannot be persuaded to join.

Most christians and/or other religious beleif systems are offended by cults.
cult member: dude i just joined a cult!
Christain: what the fuck, why?
Cult member: because it seemed cool, and they'd kill me if i didn't join.
Christain:hmm, that kindof reminds me of a gang.
by adonel February 6, 2010
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Don’t drink the fucking kool-aid kids. Because sometimes it’s laced with cyanide.
Most church services sound very cult like...
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a system of religious veneration and devotion directed towards a particular figure or object.
The cult wants me to destroy you but I don't want to
by ... Zjdbckdnznsjd November 16, 2019
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A group of people who promote and/or glorify ideologies they proclaim to be of spiritual nature that are bound to or already have lead to the harm of numerous fellow human beings, such groups sometimes have a book they commonly deem to be a worthy life guidebook and if you read through it you will find many things to be disgusted by while other groups have a charismatic leader that teaches and promotes equally worrisome teachings.
By Definition, Christianity and Islam are both Cults.
by The Good Anti-Christ June 10, 2016
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A group of people that is committed to a mortal leader or small group of mortal leaders.
by bb815 August 1, 2014
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Non-Denominational Christians that only talk about God and force their views upon others- will often pressure you to come to church, discussion groups, etc.

Linda: All that Molly ever does is go to church groups.

Sara: That's because its a cult.
by abcdefghiljkliz April 2, 2009
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