A secret organization that participates in drinking/partying events. Usually moving in small groups or packs the cult venture from area to area and making theirs presents known through their ability to bring the party to life. There is little to be known about the cults inner workings. But what is known is the averaged cult member is fair more superior than the average human especially spiritually. Known food source of the cult or "Field cult kit" as some call it consists of the following consumables-

- Hommus in container form minimum 1kg
- Alcohol beverages minimum 5L per cult member
- Chewing gum (various intake)
- Water (various intake)
- Drugs (various intake)
(Everyone wakes up from a party the next morning) dude those people partied us to the death. No bro we've been culted! Whats the cult? Dude I dont know? Fuck!
by tothedeath January 13, 2017
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See K-Pop stans.. These guys will FUCK YOU UP MAN if you say one thing about K-Pop.
Anyone with an IQ above room temperature: Please stfu, you guys are a whole Cult at this point!
by idc about your opinion December 1, 2020
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CULT is the degen way in the crypto space to talk about an NFT community. It is the sophisticated term for an NFT club.
The word was coined by the Magic Meme Money community shortly after the big NFT craze took place.
It's free to join the CULT you only need to buy a .PNG.

The Magic Voodoo CULT seems to be lit, let's buy into it.

Bro, let's ape into that NFT CULT.
by Magic Meme Money December 14, 2022
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Also known as Southern Death Cult, a British goth rock (stuff like The Cure or Sisters of Mercy) band from the 80s and 90s.
by robot May 30, 2005
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Something you don't know you're in till the last ten minutes
Sitting in a circle of flame in a burning building Gee, I guess mom was right. It WAS a cult!!
by Cultist June 30, 2003
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Any flood of religious cuckbois who believe in a God, idol, guardian, deity or of the like. They are often ambitious/extremist zealots and can be of any culture, belief or religion, be it Christianity, Jewish, Muslim, Atheist, etc. They will often argue or fight solely for their preferred religion and deny all others just to protect theirs. They often refuse to listen to others not of their own and will fuck you over provided you oppose them or refuse to join.
The KKK cult is a bunch of spoiled school shooters who abhor blacks because of their giant monkey dicks.
by picklestein June 20, 2016
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