The most powerful woman in government of the US who is treated like crap by the democrats and liberal because she is rebublican. Were she a black democrat, the democrats and liberals would be going crazy. Because she works for Bush she is hated, made fun of, and spat on by these people.
by Proud American April 10, 2004
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Ariel Sharon: She has sexy legs

Americans: This woman deserves that job
by Boaz March 8, 2005
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A token "negro bee'hatch", designed to appease black and other non white voters into supporting a racist, bigoted, quasi theocratic oligarch party. Dumb enough to trot out propaganda for the wankers she works for, and too dumb to make the connection that having a huge lumbering graceless oil tanker named after you is actually quite an insult for most bitches.
can i shine your shoes monkey boss?
by wideawakeclub February 19, 2004
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