Its the new "C" word, meaning to Go Fuck Yourself
Hey, I accidently gave you guys a check that was meant for someone else. Please refund that.
LoL... Comcast

by GOFURSELF February 12, 2015
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Adds $200 cable package to your bill without permission when you never had or wanted cable and dont even own a cable box. Then tells you they dont know how it got on your bill, assures they will remove the mystery charge and then only credits you $50
Youve paid comcast $40 a month for internet only for a few years then you get a bill for $240 for the biggest cable package they offer and you dont even have a cable box. You call and they tell you you owe $600 for back charges!?! Wtf
by enter_text_here April 3, 2015
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1)The Worst damn cable service provider that always breaks down... Worst Ever!

2) When With internet, always crashes and lags.
Comcast is one of the 3 great antichrists
by Tom June 24, 2004
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Comcast (-ing) (-ed) - Verb
1. An abuse of power/authority/or systematic control to detrimental effects.

2. A paradoxical system; i.e. an unsolvable maze.
After being put on hold for a customer service representative, the customer service representative told me I had to be put on hold for a customer service representative. I hung up when I realized they were Comcasting me.
by Someone without internet March 7, 2014
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Verb. When a company or person commits to deliver a solution and or meet you at a specific time or window and ends up delivering or arriving sometime shortly after that time / window.

To be comcasted'ed, or I commonly comcast.
Would you like t o setup your service from 8-12 or 12-4? 8-12 please. When they show up at 1:00 after requesting the 8-12 they have comcasted you.
by Swotz April 30, 2010
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A internet/tv provider that costs $19.95....for the first five months that is. after that it costs aroung $85. it has 800+ channels, though like 200 of theme are spanish, and another 50 or so has the same exact thing on as the channel below or beneth it. the internet price is worth it if you are a seroius gamer who wants no lag. it feature a terrible collection of free movies that you've most likesly never heard of. the good movies cost like $5.00 to see.
If you get comcast, prepare to drop alot of money.....
by imjustapoorboynobodylovesme December 1, 2006
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