It's like a blowjob, but instead of a penis, it's a foot, and instead of a mouth, it's a butthole.
Did you hear that Siena clunched Thomas at that party last weekend?
by TORP3DoMAN February 27, 2017
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1. Hard pressed.
2. State of being or act of hard pressing.
3. An extreme pwning.

NOTE: An object is said to reach Clunch Completion when it becomes so clunchy that it cannot be clunched any more. An abbreviated term for this is Clunchkin.
NOTE 2: Clunching something quickly is called McClunching.
Even though I studied for a long time; that test completely clunched me.

Sometimes I feel that if another customer complains, I'll turn into a Clunchkin Case.
by The Clunchkin March 8, 2010
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A word used to describe female genitals (pussy or vagina etc...) Commonly seen in E4 Comedy The Inbetweeners
"There's gonna be loads of Clunch at this party"
by WoodWood June 15, 2009
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The ultimate attitude adjuster. The process of punching you annoying women directly into the clit.
Shut your mouth women otherwise you will suffer the clunch
by Wodzilla85 October 6, 2016
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A word invented by Jesse Ridgway (aka McJuggerNuggets) that can be used in a variety of ways.
"Did you see that shit? It was so clunch."

"I clunched my girlfriend last night."
"Don't try to clunch me."
by OwnageCubed July 24, 2017
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Another word for a vagina, cunt or pussy.
Lesbian 1: Munch my clunch bitch!
Lesbian 2 now performs cunnilingus on Lesbian 1
by The Wah December 30, 2006
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when someone performs oral sex on a woman around midday/lunchtime
example 1:
man 1: lets go to a cafe im hungry
man 2: no thanks mate im still full from clunch

example 2: ladies that clunch: when lesbian or bi curious women give each other oral sex in their lunch hour.

example 3:

girlfriend: that was good lets do it again..
man: ah i cant, im all clunched out im afraid.
by pointynips May 4, 2011
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