When a robot fucks your wife and you enjoy watching.
"I totally clinkled my husband last night, with the amazon drone. One look at those whirring copter blades made my girlhood quiver"
by OhQueso June 8, 2019
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When a man sits down to urinate and his penis comes in contact with the toiler water.
"If a man sits to piss in a full toilet, he might clinkle."
"SHIT, I clinkled after I shit!"
"Clinkling gave me Hepatitis C."
by OlliOlii January 15, 2014
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The sound of $30m slowly slipping out of your wallet
Investor: Where did all my money go?

...clinkle clinkle clinkle
by syncron January 7, 2016
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When one raises a lot of money for a startup, never actually releases the product, and lives lavishly off the money.
I'm thinking about raising some money for a start up so I can clinkle out and party every night.
by TheBayAreaKid July 6, 2014
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