A chicano is a first generation Mexican American who is proud of his heritage, and is raised in the Mexican traditional way, but living in an American socity.
by Edaid Rojas September 3, 2004
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A person with mexican heritage born in the United States; one who feels culturally screwed up & is not fully accepted by either Americans or Mexicans but only by others of their kind.
by edica September 27, 2003
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Chicano/a is a state of mind. Yes one must be Mexican American to be a Chicano, but not necessarily an anti-social or left wing militant.
Remember the key part of being a Chicano is that we are Mexican American. Chicanos pride ourselves on our education, Famila, art, warrior qualities and our love for God.
by Joey Moreno February 14, 2005
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A Mexican-American that knows what's up and it really pisses him or her off.
by J5 February 28, 2003
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