Sexy and hot and fun to hang out with, gets all the girls
Look at Caid over their he's so sexy and hot
by Yes is yes March 14, 2016
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Caide means Little Warrior in ancient Scots, proud, strong, loyal, determined and the best mate you could hope for.
This strong personality is the envy of all that meet him, a most likeable person with a big heart for all his friends. Skills and determination to succeed in anything he wishes to do.

Handsome, brave, knowledgable and one of these people that change your life- Well done Caide !!!!
Caide the best mate you could have.
by Borderreever January 11, 2018
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Caid, caid is one of the most caring loving friend you'll ever meet. Caid is one of the friends that you can count on, he will always put a smile on your face when your upset and will never judge you. He is also a great boyfriend, he will protect you, care for you, and especially love you. Whenever you look at him he will always give you a cute smile that you can't resist. I would love to have a friend/ best friend/boyfriend named caid.
Example: "caid are you ok?

"Me" yes of course 😟
by ExoticPerson August 18, 2020
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Caid, one of the most caring loving friend, he always wants to make you happy, he will always love you no matter how different you are. Caid is a loving boyfriend as well he gives the bests hugs, he will make you smile everyday, he will make you happy when you are sad.
Example: "Are you ok" caid says
"Yes of course I'm ok"
by ExoticPerson August 18, 2020
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The Canadian version of AIDS


How you can tell if the person is infected with the disease:

-Resides from Canada or any place along the US border such as Washington

-Extreme passion for maple syrup

-Constantly flooding the US economy buying jeans

-Acts like a moose in strange situations

-Primary diet is Starbucks, Cookies, Toast, Granola bars, Pop tarts, Etc.

-Usually is seen at a Starbucks or driving a Volkswagen Jetta

-Has an awkward collection of Canadian flags
Joey:"What is wrong with Taylor??"

Martess:"I think she has CAIDS..."

Joey:"Thats sad..."
by Joebear and Mar Mar March 9, 2010
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When your vehicle is slowly over a short amount of time dying on you.
I don't want to sink any more money into this Caids infected car!
by Iwilleatyourtoes January 16, 2018
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Canadian AIDS!

Uncontrollable "eh?"
Uncontrollable bowel movements.
Diarrhea of the mouth.
Playing too much hockey.
Pimping out your MySpace to make it look Canadian.
"What's up, eh?"

"Eh? Are you Canadian now?"

"No, it's just my CAIDS."
by Astroman006 February 28, 2009
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