An abridgment of " What the Fuck?".

Also an alternative to bro
Def 1: Guy 1: Sorry man, I fucked your girl.

Guy 2: Bruh!
Def 2: Guy 1: How's it goin' Bruh?

Guy 2: Great, Bruh!
by Anonymousse February 16, 2015
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Person 1: my grandma died

Person 2: bruh
by Bruh guy January 19, 2020
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A person who acts weird or say sum dumb people say bruh
Jack: hi I'm Paula now

Ben: bruh bruh
by Jack belie January 9, 2017
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-1. a person who you cool with coming from either a male/female.
-Wat uhp Bruh!
by Dimples_988 October 21, 2009
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by josefmadre November 13, 2019
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Bruh is what you say when you don't want to laugh or when something is retarded and don't make sense
Hey did you bring your diet water
by Mr.pizza_rolls October 21, 2019
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Commonly used when you either don't know what to say, or someone does something stupid.
When a moment occurs and it is considered bruh, it is referred to as a bruh moment.
Friend: 'Shit dude when I was pissing I missed the seat.'
Me: 'Bruh'
by big_f_inthechat December 3, 2019
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