Releasing hot boxed air from inside a vehicle by opening doors, winding down windows, and turning on fans; Therefore, breaking that vehicle's hot box.
Johnny opens hit door to pour out the old soda from his cup, when Tim yells at him and says,"Dude what are you doing, you're 'Breaking the Box'
by McPuff March 14, 2008
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Box of miscellaneous items belonging to your ex boyfriend/girlfriend left at your house after a breakup. This box of stuff may be returned, or may be held hostage until they return your breakup box.
I'm not giving that bitch her breakup box till I get my comic books back!
by Trasaris August 1, 2005
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The female equivalent of breaking my balls - the lady's version of this phrase. Expresses general annoyance, especially when someone is giving you a hard time.
"This traffic is totally breaking my box."
"These stupid Fed Ex commercials break my box."
As adjective: "He is such a box-breaker."

by YBMB October 14, 2008
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