A geniune Breakfast of Champions (Here on reffered to as B.o.C) is an un-orthodox, usually unhealthy meal in the late morning/early afternoon. A typical breakfast could be bacon and eggs, toast, cereal etc whereas a B.o.C would be potato chips, coca-cola and your regular crappy food. It is reffered to as a B.o.C because it will set you up for the day to accomplish any given task fluently and at the adequate level of a CHAMPION.
Duder 1: Hey! The way you kicked that trash can was AMAZING! What have you eaten for breakfast??

Champion: Today bretheren, My morning meal consisted of half a pound of flour, three cans of Dr Pepper (Cherry) and enough pretzels to ensure I could kick any trash can with ease.

Duder 2: Wow! That is most definately a Breakfast of Champions !
by Ben McSex December 20, 2011
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A morning bongload usually with ice cubes instead of bongwater. Very refreshing.
To cure their hangovers, the guys enjoyed a breakfast of champions to start their days off right.
by hughmonger November 3, 2003
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That white shit that the crew in the Matrix eat.
"Here 'ya go buddy, Breakfast of Champions."
by Meik April 2, 2003
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Refers either to an unsatisfying breakfast (sour milk, burnt toast, etc) or just a generally very bad start to the day
Lynn: What’s wrong with you?

Adam: Oh. I had the breakfast of champions this morning
by The Captive Spirit September 13, 2010
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Any form of 'push on thru' fuel consumed between 5 and 8am following an all-nighter. Generally consisting of a cocaine, speed, pills washed down with beer or vodka.
Opening a can of Stella as Mark racked out a line, Steven looked at his beer and proclaimed

'AH, beer and coke. Breakfast of champions
by Kyza October 18, 2005
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1: A martinni
2: A great book by a great American author Kurt Vonnegut
3: Me baby it's all me
1: "You know what they say breakfast of champions and all that, drink up."
2: "I really enjoyed reading Breakfast of Champions."
3: "Help yourselves to the breakfast of champions ladies."
by Dirty Mc Skankysheets August 26, 2004
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