1. Commonly used in military HQ's, charachterized by extreme confusion, and genuine, profound disorientation. Often the result of being given different and usually conflicting orders.
2. As above but brought about by a lack of skill or knowledge.
1. Wow that change to the briefing is going to have the staff completely Befuckled.

2. That LT has no clue about that; He's pretty much befuckled.
by tankboy2k April 4, 2006
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So intensely shocked at someone's actions that you just think "What the fuck?"
I am befuckled that he actually thought she wouldn't find out
by Shawty August 16, 2004
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The overall emotional state of trying to understand a woman
Jason was befuckled at Christine's behavior.
by Dumbfuckled January 17, 2012
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like bewildered, with mindfkng.
Why are so many people befuckled by my way of thinking?
by galaxysprfx November 25, 2012
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Astonished or confused beyond all recognition, not to be confused with FUBAR, as 'befuckled' does not require alcohol or drugs. However, drugs & alcohol may enhance the effect of being 'befuckled'.
I am completely befuckled by how stupid he can get dressed in the morning.
by dasmaus June 5, 2019
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Getting fucked so hard by changes to "the plan" that a person cannot fully comprehend the changes or a way out of the mess. When a person has not fully anticipated all variables, and a change is thrust upon them and it renders them confused and paralyzed by inaction.
Jimmy fell in love with his plan. So much so, that when I told him that we were going a completely different direction, he could only look at me in befucklement.
by rumproaster August 9, 2010
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When u fuck and u get fucked so damn hard u loose memory and forget everything for a short period of time; much like when u get confused and it's called befuddle
Oh my god I think I'm gonna get befuckled tonight
by egi12234676 February 15, 2017
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