Cunts and Bitches: a group of girls who act like a bunch of assholes when they are together.
Guy one: what the fuck was wrong with those girls?

Guy two: C&Bs bro...

Guy one: C&Bs?

Guy two: Yeah, cunts and bitches
by ed fagan January 20, 2008
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BS stands for bullshit. Calling bullshit means you are calling out a dumb ass statement for being a fucking dumb ass statement.
I'm calling bs on that fuckery.
by mcnuggetdestroyer February 20, 2018
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A sarcastic and rhetorical question which is used when you know someone is obviously lying. Bs = BullSh*t
ben: My dad Might be letting me fly to the moon with him

Hayden: Sure, Bs Much?
by Totallyhayden May 14, 2010
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When "cleaning", simply taking the assorted mess of objects strewn across the center of the room, and moving them to the sides of the room. This creates the illusion of clean space in the room.
"My mom told me to clean my room but that will take hours, if i do some BS cleaning it will only take me five minutes!"
by juliamarie November 7, 2007
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Back Sac & Crack. Refers to the often the all over body hair remove of the back, scrotum and arse crack. Favoured by males who are said to be 'good with colours' or 'light on their feet when dancing'
Okay then dear, I'll get the lot taken off. Where's the number for that beauty saloon. Hello? Yes, I'd like the full BS&C please. Leave nothing unturned
by Powderedegg November 28, 2006
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