Yo man you wanna hit up BN on the way home?

Hell yeah I'm all about BN!
by Anon69420XXX December 1, 2010
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Be Noted!
Bn!(Be noted!) We're improving the game alot more better, currently it's in beta!.
by IGoldEST August 24, 2019
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Brief Nasal Snort. Used in place of LOL to show what you actually did in front of your computer, reading your IM/blog comments/forums.
<Charlie> Why did the chicken cross the road?
<James> Because he was high and told old jokes until his friends blocked him from MSN?
<Charlie> BNS, no
by caveman-jim August 22, 2007
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what you call someone when they get a bloody nose during a fight and chicken out
Martin: Hey you wanna wrestle?
David: Yeah!
(5 minutes later)
David: Hey man I'm done; I got a bloody nose.
Martin: BN!!
by Jimmah-Idra April 11, 2011
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Abbreviation for one of the most notorious manly names ever thought up. BN, Barron Nevermore, or as more commonly known, Bitch Nigger.
That is one sharp-dressed BN (Bitch Nigger).
by Schnitzengiggle August 8, 2008
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BN (adjective - acronym)- "Bitch Nigga". This term does not imply derogatory status, rather the state of being whipped, pwned, or otherwise unwilling to comply with requests from friends. This implies laziness and/or self-centered attitude of an individual.
Also see Tony
"That BN did not call me back about going out tonight"
"Donyel is such a BN, to the point of which she has no friends"
"That BN won't give me my money. Where's my money BN!"
by MobilGuy October 17, 2007
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