The device or machine used to measure the different levels of awesome.
Mr. A "dude, that was awesome..."
Mr. B "How awesome was it?"
Mr. A "well, let me check the awesometer. Yes, just as i figured, it's an 11."
Mr. C "it goes to 11?"
Mr. A "under rare circumstances like these it does."
by cb9k March 4, 2009
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Of or pertaining to awesome, generally being awesome all the time.
"Did you meet the new kid Peter? He's a pretty cool guy."
"Yeah I heard he's awesometic."
by CoolEthan September 29, 2014
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epic awesomeness, to be incredibly awesome
This band is full of awesometicity
by nftwsm. December 23, 2010
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The state of living in your own private world where everybody and everything is “awesome.”


A portmanteau of “awesome” and “autism.”
I personally counted, in just 60 seconds Lisa used the word awesome 14 times. The poor girl must have awesometism
by Bigfreedog July 21, 2011
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relating to or characterized by anti-awesomeism; hating awesome people
Barney Stinson: "I have to face an ugly truth. Jerry Whitaker, my own father, is anti-awesometic!"
by BrownBear69 April 19, 2011
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Discrimination against or prejudice or hostility towards awesome.
Relating to or characterized by anti-awesometism; hating awesome.

antonyms: Legen--wait for it and I hope you're not lactose intolerant because the second half of this word is--dary.
"My own father is anti-awesometic."--NPH (Barney Stinson, "How I Met Your Mother" 6x21).
by MuskyMisc. April 27, 2011
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to be anti-awesome; un-amazing
"My own father is anti-awesometic" - Barney Stinson
by Slb16 January 13, 2012
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