A sexual act where a man sticks is cock into a womans ass, and then reaches into her vagina, grabs hold of his cock through her vaginal tissue and masturbates until ejaculation
Last night, I was having anal sex with my girlfriend but couldn't get off, so I tried analbation
by Harryb85 December 13, 2007
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Jeff:Dude, I'm starting to get tired of just plain old mastrubating

Tim: do what I do, I analbate!
by keith oristed March 30, 2008
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to masturbate your anal cavities. Another words, to shove something up your ass and get off.
Timbok's so tired of masturbating the normal way, so he decided to stick a foreign object up his ass and analbate.
by NwestJagsfan March 12, 2007
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The act off putting your own penis in your own rectum.
I found Matt performing self-analbation in his room the other night.
by Johnn Doey June 12, 2010
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The act of being overly up tight to the point of annoying the other person.
Peter: Honey, that chicken giblets dinner was delicious.
Sally: Yeah yeah, now put your dirty dishes away.
Peter: Honey, I will, just let me finish watching this episode of Southpark... Burrrrrp.
Sally: Why are you always so lazy!
Sally: And why is your dirty fork touching the table cloth!!!
Peter: Oh for fuck sake! Stop analbating all day long. Go knit me a new sweater or put the kids to bed!
by Ben_Dover_Nao June 4, 2012
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