An ambivert is someone who falls directly in the middle (or fairly close to) of the introvert-extrovert spectrum. They are neither especially extroverted nor especially introverted. Often described as having the best of both worlds.
E: Hi! I'm an extrovert! What are you?
A: I'm all over the place, sometimes I feel like an extrovert and sometimes I feel like an introvert.
E: Oh I see! You're an ambivert, like ambidextrous but with personality.
by AnnieDarkchild March 7, 2014
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The "forgotten" personality type, directly in between or with very little favor between introvert and extrovert. Identified by Carl Jung. Ambiverts are quite addaptable, flexible, and tend to be camilions. Everyone has ambivert tendancies, because it isn't possible to be a complete extrovert or intovert, so their introverted or extroverted qualities make people have ambivert tendencies as well.
Person 1: I took the Myers Briggs test and I'm an extrovert, but the thing is, I only had a 7% preference from an introvert.
Person 2: You're probably an ambivert.
by maybenot21 December 27, 2014
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one whose personality lies b/w introvert and extrovert
kavita is a ambivert as she hardly gives answer during lectures,while as soon as class ends she turns to a carrulous girl.
by ihateu@ March 9, 2014
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a salesman who makes $155 an hour
person: “dude that ambivert is gonna steal your career

extroverts and introverts: ”ambi-WHAT???”
the general reader: “ambi-WHAT???”
by dopecat14 October 18, 2019
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Someone who has never made a decision in their life.
Nina: I'm a bisexual ambiverted agnostic polyamorous ambidextrous centrist switch.
Sally: Pick a side already!
by Dumb_Bass September 26, 2020
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Vrunda: I am an ambivert.
Vrunda, are you a frog?
by TheBrownMen October 16, 2021
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a type of person which balances both introvert and extrovert.
"that person is ambivert, they balance both introvert and extrovert energy"
by replies November 30, 2022
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