the swaggest bitch alive with an amazing sense of humor and a dope asf personality.
damn.. she must be an Amanthi
by princesskaren October 20, 2020
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AKA a thirsty bitch
She's thirsty af for all her baes (also really tall and basically a model) and everyone is jealous of how amazing she is
Person 1: "Damn Amanthi, how many baes do you have?!"
Amanthi: "I can't help it, it's cause I'm so thirsty"
by SoTro July 25, 2016
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She’s smart, creative and such a Chuckaboo. Be like Amanthis.
“Amanthis, my Cuckoo Clock broke. Can you fixed it?

“Why, of course I can. You can count on me”
by Amanthy October 19, 2022
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