Or 'Aerophobic' - someone who suffers from mild to intense annoyance at being on an Aeroplane, not necessarily out of fear of crashing...

...Mainly because of the lack of leg-room, strangers and their babies, circulated breathing air, terrible food, the temperature and the knowledge you can do nothing about it until you land in 14 hours - The occasional chance of burning up over the Atlantic adds to the feeling of 'Aerophobia'
Sam - "God, it's hot in here. Hey Mike do you want a peanut?"

Mike - Oh God, I have to get out...let me out, I HAVE AEROPHOBIA!!"
by jazz4 March 7, 2011
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Person 1: " You are on your computer all day I think you might have Aerophobia."
Person 2: "Haha very funny 😐."
by 1l1umi July 14, 2021
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