Prejudice based on age, especially against young people.
The 13-year old spat in the face of the power-monger teacher and called her an adultist.
by Thylacine July 20, 2005
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A term that lazy parents use to describe people who "discriminate" against their rude and loud children. Some parents believe that their children should be allowed to do whatever they want, because kids will be kids. This philosophy requires the belief that children can do no wrong because they don't know better, the parent isn't responsible for teaching them any better, and everyone else has to put up with it.
Any adult who protests because a strange child screamed through their entire dinner in a restaurant or cried through an entire R-rated movie at a theater is a child hating adultist.
An elderly lady is in line at the post office. A ten year old hits her repeatedly in the leg with a nerf bat. The parent does nothing. The elderly woman asks the child to please stop. The parent screams at the lady for being rude to her child and accuses her of adultism.
A child runs behind the counter at a coffee shop, trips the employees, and knocks over hot drinks and glass cups. The shop owner asks the parent to keep her child from behind the counter. The mother accuses the establishment of discrimination against her child (adultism).
by super mean adult August 16, 2011
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An adult is when you're an, uh, well it's when you think you're a big boy, but really you're just a child in grown person's body and you hate your job and the other person that lives in your house.
by King Bob IV April 28, 2017
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A person who has stopped growing at both ends and is now growing in the
by CLEWGE October 23, 2003
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Adulting (v): to carry out one or more of the duties and responsibilities expected of fully developed individuals (paying off that credit card debt, settling beef without blasting social media, etc). Exclusively used by those who adult less than 50% of the time.
I was going to buy a sack of Blue Dream but I finally got my oil changed instead. Adulting!
by starcraft420 June 13, 2016
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A soul broken by society; someone who has lost faith in people.
Little Timmy: I can't wait to grow up!

Adult Timmy: Why didn't I appreciate my childhood more!
by TheOneForPeace October 20, 2011
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