A guy who thinks he gets a lot of action but really doesn't.
Action Jackson talks the talk but doesn't walk the walk.
by Anonymous April 22, 2003
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A person who was and occasionally is a player/pimp for relatively short increments of time.
Action Jackson's wrist is frostbit.
by wazupfoo April 20, 2003
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Famed officer of the Willoughby PD. Whether he tickets you or not, you'll leave the experience knowing you've been treated fairly and everyone's best intentions were kept in mind. When in doubt, Action it out.
Person 1: Have you met Action Jackson?
Person 2: Dude gave me a ticket and I thanked him for it. Then he had another officer give me a ride home. I'm so confused.
by RyanFNation October 7, 2018
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1. a title of a hit movie that came out around 1988. It is a parody of the James Bond films, which are a spoof in their own right in the first place.

2. Action Jackson got his nickname because he was spooted in his beat (off).
1. The film "Action Jackson" made quite a bit of moolah during the hot summer of 1988.

2. Action Jackson wants to go to town for some action but he has to work overtime so he...
by I Saw U2 Live Twice March 16, 2009
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One who enjoys flashing his body hair in the back corner of 9th grade social studies...then shaving it all off when he gets bored.
by Ryan-Marie April 22, 2003
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Some one who is kind, but will never receive any poon in his life.
by JacksonOfManyTrades January 22, 2019
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