An unsafe procedure removing and ending a life of a baby in the womb. Ending a humans life is murder, abortion murders a baby. 63,459,781 Babies Have Been Killed in Abortions Since Roe v. Wade in 1973 in the U.S. Every year nation wide 73+million babies are murdered. 45% of abortions are unsafe according to WHO.
Abortion kills babies in the womb. Abortion can also kill the mothers. Abortion is anti-human & anti-woman
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A term for something that is a complete disaster, failure or in other terms fun sucker
by neknow April 27, 2015
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The removal of a fetus from a mother's womb so as to prevent the woman from giving birth and the baby from living in unideal circumstances. It is legal in many countries, including the USA (As of June 2022), but is inching towards illegality due to modern science and growing opposition.
by JP the ENFP June 18, 2022
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Heather: Hey I'm pregnant
Harold: Get an abortion
Heather: No, I'd by ending my own child's life
Harold: Oh yeah I forgot its murder
by literallyamazinggurl56 February 15, 2022
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The act of terminating the life of an unborn or partially born human born. A sin against the image of God and the intrinsic value of human life. At 6-7 weeks the unborn infant has a heart rate of 90 to 110 beats per minute. Scientific research indicates that an immediate and unreflective pain experience is felt by the fetus from the developing function of the nervous system from as early as 12 weeks. Images during an abortion indicate that the unborn infant reacts and tries to avoid or push against abortion tools.

In an enlightened age of contraception and sexual education, an abortion is usually unjustified. However, it may be necessary in the case of:
a) rape or sexual violence;
b) incest;
c) the high risk of death of the mother and/or child in the act of child birth.

In the eyes of God, abortion is murder. Jeremiah 1:5 indicates that the Lord knew us when we were still in the womb. Exodus 21:22–25 describes the use of the death penalty for one who causes the death of an unborn baby. Whether born or unborn, abortion is killing a human who is made in the image of God.
Wisteria: How awful! With the overturning of Wade versus Roe laws, I am unable to attain my woke goal of having 22 abortions!
Ken: May the Lord forgive you and purify your soul! Abortions are medical procedures that were never meant to be a form of birth control. Abortion is murder.
by doug1ness September 9, 2022
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A type of murder done specifically to pre-born human beings.
That squirt boy boyfriend of Sheila's got her pregnant. He doesn't want to man up and be responsible, and an unjust government made it legal to murder pre-born children, so he's spotting her $500. Sheila already made an appointment for Saturday to get an abortion.
by Psalm139 November 25, 2020
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Something that people say is their choice yet the baby has its own damn body and can choose to be alive or not
I want an abortion because it’s my body!
by enAnomymous March 1, 2021
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