illegal, unsafe act of killing an unborn child which is a civil rights infringement.
by NUKO NEWS December 4, 2020
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Abortion is legal murder to babies who could've potentially been successful in life. Essentially it's wasting a human life for one's own selfish reasons. You never know, some of those babies who have been killed inside the womb could've been the hero who found a cure for cancer.
Abortion is wrong.
by Rotten Turkey June 7, 2021
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What the fuck do you mean “If men got pregnant, abortion would be legal
Hym “You ever hear the story of the lesbian who dress up like a man to try and prove that being a man is easier? After finding out that her life was a lie and that being a men is (in fact) NOT easier... She killed herself. So, if women had to be treated like men (even temporarily and volunteered to do it) they would kill themselves. What does the abortion ban do? Well, first let’s ask what does abortion do? It ameliorates the consequences of a woman’s poor choices. Back to the ban! What does the abortion ban do? It forces women to live with the consequences of their own choices. Men already have to do that! Congratulations. You’re more equal now. We’ll get there. We’ll get you that equality that you desperately want. Now we just need to break you of that entitlement, huh? Because I’m the same way that men are not entitled to sex, you are not entitled to protection or respect.... or SEX for that matter! One lesson down! Two more to go!”
by Hym Iam October 20, 2022
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If it's not legal; how are we supposed to feed baby souls to our pagan Death-God?
Hym "Quick! Iam, get in the car."

Iam "What? Why?"

Hym "I need to get an abortion!"

Iam "You... What!? That's not how that works..."

Hym "Then how else am I supposed to get rid of you!? Ahahaha!!"

Iam "..........."

Hym "Get it!? Cus you're a baby!? AAAHAHAHAHA!!"

Iam "...... You're an idiot.."
by Hym Iam May 4, 2022
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A term used during the titanic when you abort ship
Mum: what does abortion mean?
Laura: it’s what you say when you jump off a ship
by russelroberttrucksxoxo June 17, 2022
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To wholly and instantly abandon your immediate action or plan
Guy 1 (talking to Rufus' girlfriend): So, any plans this weekend?
Guy 2: Yo, Rufus is coming - abort, abort.
by 4dm1n December 11, 2008
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