a Indian name that means a very beautiful, and intelligent person that is loved by all.
Aashna is so sweet
by sparticus4244 August 29, 2010
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Aashna means love. Generally, showing very loyal traits and can bear no nonsense. If you mess with her, she will initially bear your shit but will eventually make you cry. Absolutely hates fakeness and toxicity.
You do not mess with the Aashna.
by March 2, 2022
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a sweet and caring girl who is loved by all, a true friend, and a pure innocent soul
"Oh theres Aashna"
by Demiguy September 20, 2021
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Is a girl usually Indian who is funny and caring typically really smart she loves helping others
girl: Danbury I can’t figure this out

Aashna: here show me I’ll help you
by Es laird October 3, 2020
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The girl you probably crush on but you're too afraid to go upto her. she's prolly hella cute , and has a smile good enough to melt a big ass iceberg .
hey Anshuman , go talk to Aashna. Go tell her how you feel about her.
by XXXpussydestroyer69420XXX October 14, 2020
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Aashna is the name of a very intelligent girl, she is really helpful, she’s really short tho...like really short
Girl:hey aashna can you help me please
Aashna: ya on what
by Es laird October 3, 2020
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Person 1- Who is that sexy lady?
Person 2- Thats aashna
Person 3 - I had sex with her!
by HEYIMCOOLYOII October 1, 2022
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