In Indonesia, is an acronym for ADO "Anak Doa Orangtua" which is used to pray or blessing for a child.

Ado is known to be popular, smart and have uniqueness traits.
Wow! You are very kind, you must have good "Ado" in your name from your parent!
by Mr. LobaLoba November 23, 2021
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Automatic. A term used by the members of Florida State University's Theta Chi fraternity. These are the coolest boys on campus. All get loads of butt.
by JVLW January 18, 2023
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Attention Deficit ... Oh! ... Shiny!
The tendency of some people to be easily distracted by new information.
It’s tough nailing Jeff down on a decision, he keeps getting busy with other small stuff. ADOS!
by designBob July 22, 2018
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Ado is a term with the same meaning as automatic shortened by “ado” which was created and spread by Theta Chi fraternity at Florida State University.
Do you want shots?”
by Kendall lig May 15, 2022
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Intended to put a blanket and gather around all victim groups into American politics and the Democrat Party, ADOS is the new acronym now being used to define ANY group who may have had some historical bias, and of course "disadvantage" in American Society, assigned to them.
by JBisRight February 23, 2019
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Atypical dedicated orientation (or ADO) - when one's sexual or romantic orientation (or both if they are gender- aligned) is atypically centered on a specific person who does not express the gender they are typically oriented to.

Like: You dig your man, but none of those other dudes do it for you at ALL, and really, women, trans, asexual or non-binary folx are where it's at for you sexually and/or romantically. He's the exception to the rule - lucky guy!!

You could use this as a way of articulating your broader orientation. Like: I'm bisexual but have ADO for my husband. I am not gonna be chasing any other cis men if we break up though!
I have ADO (atypical dedicated orientation) for my husband cuz he's the ONLY man I would ever want!
by Lee Malcolm May 10, 2022
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