by Kidswillbekids May 29, 2019
When you find yourself reminiscing about a past relationship and doing things like, texting, emailing or calling an Ex or Exes. This also can include but is not limited to writing songs, and or poems about that person.
*Why am I up listening to these damn slow songs.... Make a n*gga feel like Drakeing some of my exes and sh*t.*
Drake and Drive
Drake and Drive
by The Lady Blue February 4, 2014
A word originated from the rapper/singer Drake to describe when someone is behaving very emotional. Drunk texting or calling ex girlfriends/boyfriends is a main example of Draking.
by Aleczander September 23, 2013
Drake is a kind person no doubt about it they can be douchebags but if your high on his list. He'll treat you golden. He is cute, not smoking hot though. He loves to talk to people! He does get nervous around girls he just meets. But if your friends, you can talk for hours. He is really fun and gets along with almost everybody. If you find a drake... Love him!
by 1230526 March 12, 2016
by cuhlet May 14, 2023