Someone with sticky hands. Known to put his hand on things that don’t belong to him.
I don’t trust Sal around my things, he’s not a thief but he’s a Glom.
by AHCOH January 10, 2020
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A practice commonly used at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) by men desiring female companionship. Due to the lopsided demographics (75% men, 25% women), one finds a dearth of women at Caltech. Thus, several men tend to court a woman at once. So, glomming refers to the practice of several men hooking onto (not literally) to one woman.
At a dance, one can find several men dancing with one woman. They are glomming her. Or, one might find several men walking to class with one woman. These men are glomming.
by Techer... December 22, 2006
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v.t. - to cling with sudden suction
"She glommed on to him like a duck on a june bug."
by pattygoat February 25, 2004
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A random person who suddenly attaches themselves to you or your group of friends.
by Why is this not a word yet? September 23, 2017
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- Astronomers often use "glom" instead of using the longer and more unwieldy conglomerate.
- to gather into a ball or rounded mass.
- to collect or cluster together.
Materials in orbit of a star can glom together to form a planet.
by Maev December 14, 2006
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to steal, swipe or nab
"Somebody glommed the SD 80/90 MACs!" - Ralph Israel
by Douglas Weltman June 23, 2003
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