The art of stealing something and writing your own signature on it so you get free credit for other's work.
9gag is constantly 9gagging from Reddit.
by Moontow August 2, 2014
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v To spend one's entire life browsing through the epic pictures on 9gag when one should be doing work, taking care of kids, taking care of parents, studying/homework, paying the bills, courting the opposite sex or excelling at life like an Asian.
Bartholomew was 9gagging incredibly hard and skipped his daughter's kindergarten play.
by Shrave December 23, 2011
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A website where every user on it enjoys gagging on 9 dicks in their mouth at once.
Person 1: 9gag is such a funny website!
Person 2: Have you told your girlfriend about you massive addiction to penis yet?
by mikewho50 February 4, 2012
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A group of people who use banana as a ruler, "fuck" as a coma and potato as an ending.
by Nyan Neko April 27, 2016
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An irrelevant website that's filled with a bunch of kids who just discovered internet meme's and trolling.(aka the 9gag generation) They are responsible for NOTHING that happens on the internet. There has never been one single meme that originated from 9gag.
Typical 9gagger: lol I can trollz YouTube comments!!!!
by Cronik231 August 23, 2012
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A website in which every user uploads stolen content, while still may pertain humor, is often taken from other websites such as reddit (see reddit), 4chan (see 4chan), Dorkly (see Dorkly), etc., slaps a 9gag watermark on, and calls it theirs. They lie about having the hacker group Anonymous hosted, or being the hearth of the internet. They are, in a sense, the lowest common denominator of the internet (see shit). You do NOT want to be them.
Person 1: "Dude, 9gag is better than everyone else! We ar the hearth of the internet!"

Person 2: "No, you're a group of 14 year-olds who steal content from other sites while calling it your own. I feel sorry for you, really."
by mmine May 3, 2012
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It is the slang word for having a 9 way gay orgy.
Guy 1: God how about that 9gag last night?
Guy 2: I gagged, that's for sure!
by McMoot January 13, 2012
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