You’re special!
Very outgoing and beautiful inside and out. You’re not afraid to be who you are in front of anyone.
You’re lucky to be born on 22 September
by Banana 22 May 5, 2020
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September 22 is the first day of autumn, where everyone is excited . If your born on that day, your artist, smart, pretty and sweet.
Kyle- when is your birthday?
Bob- September 22
Kyle- Wow, that explains so much about you, no wonder your so sweet.
by Kyle6777 April 20, 2019
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a sexy ass nigga was born on this day. he/she is fine as hell. and a badass virgo. they dont care who you is my nigga. they will give you attitude.
by random hoe that is col November 3, 2019
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National Fuck your bestfriend day. September 22 is known for how many best friends get railed that month. Your bestest friend/ The person you trust most is the one you bang.
Him: Dude, you know what day it is?

*Dragging to the bedroom*
Bestfriend: What the hell?!?? What day is it?!?
Him: September 22
by DefiningWordsPeople February 16, 2021
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On September 22, go up to your crush and shoot your shot. They cant reject you.
Its September 22. Your crush cant reject you!
by Yourdailydays September 3, 2021
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Josh: Hey Hulio its September 22
Hulio: please not the basement
by A cool Goose November 4, 2019
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