A frictional force is equal to µ multiplied by the normal reactive force.
by Chris Ridsdill March 24, 2004
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When you are bored in school so you write all the characters and letters on your keyboard.
"ughh im bored so ill google some random stuff"
"lets type out all the characters on my keyboard"
§134567890+´qwertyuiopå¨'asdfghjklöäzxcvbnm,.-< !"#¤%&/()=?`QWERTYUIOPÅ^*ASDFGHJKLÖÄZXCVBNM;:_>@£$€{}\€~µ|
"wow now im not bored such effective"
by DT05 YT February 13, 2019
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h4x0r$P33K 4 Microsoft® which allegedly in the olden times tried to write code and shit but there were 1000s of these cretins and none of them could do it rite lulz!!!1! KTHXBYE
n00b: I can't wait till I download Windows 7® Beta from the glorious Microsoft® Corporation! *sighs*
|33td00d: µ!¢®0$0?+ ????? KOS
by recklesswraith March 27, 2008
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When you don’t know what to do while you’re waiting for your teacher to enter the classroom, you type the numbers, the whole alphabet, and finally the symbols on the US International keyboard plus some additional symbols.
Susan: Do you have your homework done?

Charles: Yes, and now I don’t have anything to do.

Susan: Then open your laptop and type something into Google’s search engine!

Charles’s fingers: 1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz~`!¡¹@²#³$¤£%€^ & * (‘)’-_¥=+×÷{«}»;:¶°'"´¨\|¬¦,<.>/?¿µ§ˇ˘˛˙˝¸©®™‰

Susan: What’re you doing? Google can’t look up such a long word, even if there are lots of symbols in there! Try looking up, for example, abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbamnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq. No, let’s make it shorter: acegikmoqsuwybdfhjlnprtvxz.

Charles: Okay, I’ll look up something like ... um ... zmynxbwvvcuxtzslrkqjphognfmdlskajpiohigufyetdrcebwaq.
by bluestinger66 August 16, 2022
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congratulations. you have found it. the epitome of pointless urban dictionary entries.
let us laud king œΩߴ烆∫˙¨µ˚¬å∑≈∂®√©¥˜∆ˆøπ
by linguini2 June 13, 2022
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your bored and press every letter while holding ur mom
by stop it now January 19, 2022
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