¥- japanese currency, yen

£- Britland Currency, Liero

ñ- accented "n" usually used in words like niño

î was very bored on my keypad!
by BObo D. HObo July 10, 2004
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Ñ is the most powerful letter known to all mankind. Sadly it is not strong enough. If made lowercase (increasing it's power) and combined with the Chinese V (ü) also lowercase, the results will be devastating.
Person 1: I'm gonna beat you, punk.
Person 2: ñ
Person 1: *dies*
by Queacheaen November 26, 2018
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I will do magic, you are Spanish!, or you just bought a spanish PC for some stupid reason
Guy 1: Hey why is Jack so confused about the Ñ letter?, no one uses it
Guy 2: Look, we are not spanish you stupid idiot
by This your your if June 30, 2021
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Ñ has no predefined meaning, giving it the power to represent anything. Ñ can represent someone's hopes and dreams in one sentence, and then their fears in another.
-Hey bro dont you ever just Ñ
-Yeah bro, yeah
-Also you owe me $20 you big piece of Ñ
by ToasterPower777 January 10, 2020
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A letter used in accordance all across southern orange county.

That party was so ñ!

I am feeling so ñ right now!

by the master of ñ April 3, 2009
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An spanish letter used in spanish words like the word spanish in spanish (español).
Is only the spanish letter "ñ", is there something wrong with it?
Is used in general words, expressions like "español", "ñoño", "estaño", "baño", "doña", "ñe", "ña", and "ño".

Also used in some names in spanish.
by The anonym one July 19, 2020
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pronounced "enyeh" a way of using the "ene" face in real life discussion, or online discussion.

usually used as a way of disapproving/saying no/expressing judgement or annoyance
Jack: I nominate Sally Jenkens for the ALS ice bucket challenge!
Sally: ñ
by mischeviousMercenary August 26, 2014
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