One of the best songs of all time!
Find a side that's brighter than bad
Stick it out but never get mad
No control, no plans
Ten pounds of shit in a five pound bag

It never gives, not what you want
Falling short just defining my sort
Scared to fail, scared of success
Never take less
Is this really what you want?
Don't aim too high or they'll cut you right back
Feel like ten pounds of shit in a five pound bag

Keep them dumb, keep them numb, keep them ripped
Paid the money then they syphon the slip
Think you're flying but they're bluffing the hand
An empty promise from a selfish brat

Every lesson that's ever been taught
Never learn comes undone just as quick its learnt
Told to trust, surrounded by a system of fraud
Doused in gas, set on fire now watch me burn
by V8sforlife July 31, 2023
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The act of spreading false information, gossip, rumors, and bullshit to defame a person’s character.
Aunt Shirley is going around dropping ten pennies on her nephew to try to smear his good name.
by King Krilla September 23, 2022
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When you are acting stupid in Jesuit studies and need to spend 5 days with the 7th graders and 5 days with the 8th graders, hence the name ten-day.
Do you need to go on a ten-day? Typical freshman.
by Maxxwitherball December 15, 2021
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When you're skipping rocks and your rock skips ten times. Not to be confused with ten roping, when you're ejaculating and you have ten consecutive ejections.
by thechinasaur January 10, 2021
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Tits Extremely Nice, Face Of Les Dawson.

A underhanded compliment to a woman with exceptional chest melons, who's face has not been blessed by anything other than a frying pan - resembling that of British commedian Les Dawson.
"Woah check her out man, she's a complete TEN FOLD for sure"
by Its_Matra March 20, 2020
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An individual who speaks BS you feel is 90% shitty and 10% not so shitty in their methods of living life. The 10% of realness though I holds a lot of weight and this is what keeps you drawn to the individual.
"Who Danielle ....she a ninety-ten chick...90% shitty 10% real!"
by skeeterBonsai June 3, 2015
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The amount of time it takes on a blind date or a computer date site date before you realize that the next hour or two is going to be a total waste of time. In other words: you're not attracted.
Dude #1: How was the date last night?
Dude #2: Horrible!
Dude #1: What? She fail the ten second test?
Dude #2: No, I think I did! She hardly talked to me or looked at me the whole time.
by Vagabond King January 31, 2010
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