She is a bagel for hooking-up with my ex.
by The Bagel Maker April 2, 2017
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a word often used to name people with olive skin
Jimmy: Hey that bagel over there is looking cute.

Tom: Who, Angela? yeah she's alright
by amydidit December 13, 2015
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When a girl is too attached too a guy or hasn’t like any other guy since the 3rd grade.
Boy:Dudes it’s that girl is an actual bagel
Boy 2: yah she need to move on too another guy
by Yo use my word January 25, 2020
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An obese females "vagina" or "pee-pee parts".
Spacie always be locked in the bathroom scrubbin her bagel in between guys.
by Laughing at God February 15, 2021
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sexual intercourse with a bagel.
most often covered in cream cheese.

Tom-Dude were have you been?

Joe-I was fuckin bagels.

Tom-Fuckin B.


Tom-It has more holes.
by sex on the stove March 13, 2009
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